There are some times when you want to keep away some people from using some specific or any websites or even specific category of websites. You can be a boss wanting to stop the office workers from misusing the company internet, or you can be a parent wanting to keep your children away from strangers or the internet hounds waiting ot there and also to keep your children away from porn sites or explicit contents. So, the only way is to block them. There are many methods to block the specific sites. All the methods will be explained to you in this post.
METHOD 1 - Blocking Websites on Internet Explorer
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Go to Tools ->> Internet Options ->>Contents.
3. Under the content Advisor, Click on settings (To activate settings tab Enable Content Advisor if it is disabled).
4. Go to Approved Sites tab,type *SITENAMES* and click on Never
5. Set up your password as prompted by Internet Explorer.
6. Now in the General tab of content advisor settings make sure to select "Users can see websites that have no ratings".
7. And its done! Now, whenever you open the locked website you will be prompted to enter password.
[Note: This is not really a great method because of the following flaws-
1. It only works on Internet Explorer 8 or Higher.
2. User can use other browsers to open it and IE is the less preferred browser anyway.
3. Content advisor password can also be removed if the other user knows how to do it. (Click here to know how to remove Content advisor password in IE)]
METHOD 2 - Blocking Websites in host file
1. Go to My Computer -> os (c:) -> Windows -> System32 -> Drivers -> etc.
2. Right click on Hosts file and open it with notepad.
3. Now, take a look at localhost and copy paste the IP address and name underneath it like the below
4. And make sure to change the last number of IP address as you increase number of sites (look at above picture).5. Save the file and restart your computer and its done.
METHOD 3 - Blocking Websites on the Internet Router
This method varies from router to router and is not even present in some of the routers. Hence, there is no specific method to do the same. But still i will tell you the way to do it as close i can.
1. Go to your Router Set-up page.
2. Find the Security (WAN) tab or option somewhere and try to find some option to block website with IP address or specific keywords.
3. Put these IP addresses of the sites you want to block in the given field .
4. Save the settings and its done.
METHOD 4 - Blocking Websites with Parental Control
Since this is not a built in feature in windows you need to download Windows live family safety from the internet.
2. Install it and be sure to check the family safety box during installation.
3. Go to Control Panel -> Parental Control.
4. Select the windows user you want to block and go to windows live family safety (You may have to enter your windows live ID and password).
5. Now, go to web filtering list and put in the address of the site you want to block in the address bar and click on block.
7. You can make a list of sites like this.
6. Hence, specific web addresses are blocked for the specific user.
METHOD 5 - Blocking Websites using Third Party Applications
Here are some of the applications to block selected websites. Just download and install one of these and follow the required instructions by the software
There are many other softwares on the internet to block the websites but these are the best softwares of the lot.