Social Icons


Tuesday, 29 April 2014

send a message to all your Facebook friends

By Parth Makadiya

Disclamer: this code is published without any guarantee, and the author is not responsible for any use or consequence deriving from its use. By using it you are accepting this and you accept not to consider the author liable for your use.
For the technically inclined, it’s all under MIT License.
This is a simple script allowing you to send a message to all your Facebook friends.


  • Different messages for male and female friends;
  • Replace %name with the name of the recipient in the messages (like Hi %name! ...);
  • Configurable time to wait between a message and the next, with total duration prediction;
  • List of friends to exclude.
If you have any request or suggestion, simply leave a comment.


  • Drag this “Krumiro” to your bookmarks bar;
  • Done! Now the Krumiro button is ready.


  • While on a Facebook page, simply click it;
  • Some windows asking you what to do will show up;
  • The page will freeze until the script has finished, go grab a coffee, and maybe follow me on Twitter.

Code (for the curious - it’s ugly)

var msg_m_prompt = 'Insert the message for males. I\'ll replace %name with the recipient name.';
var msg_f_prompt = 'Insert the message for females. I\'ll replace %name with the recipient name.';
var throttle_prompt = 'Insert the pause in milliseconds between a friend and the next.';
var exclude_prompt = 'Insert the list of friends to ignore, comma separated.';
var exerror_alert = '%s is not in your friends, you might have made a mistake. Do you want to continue?';
var time_alert = 'The script will take %s seconds!';
var done = 'Done!';
if(!Array.prototype.indexOf){Array.prototype.indexOf=function(d){if(void 0===this||null===this)throw new TypeError;var c=Object(this),b=c.length>>>0;if(0===b)return-1;var a=0;0<arguments.length&&(a=Number(arguments[1]),a!==a?a=0:0!==a&&(a!==1/0&&a!==-(1/0))&&(a=(0<a||-1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(a))));if(a>=b)return-1;for(a=0<=a?a:Math.max(b-Math.abs(a),0);a<b;a++)if(a in c&&c[a]===d)return a;return-1};}
function size(obj) {
var s = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) s++;
return s;
function sleep(milliseconds) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){
function send(msg, to) {
function serialize(obj) {
var str = [];
for(var p in obj)
str.push(p + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[p]));
return str.join("&");
function random(len) {
var min = Math.pow(10, len-1);
var max = Math.pow(10, len);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function generatePhstamp(qs, dtsg) {
var input_len = qs.length;
for(var ii=0;ii<dtsg.length;ii++) {
return '1' + numeric_csrf_value + input_len;
var fbid = window.require('Env').user;
var d = new Date();
var data = {
"message_batch[0][timestamp_relative]": "" + ('0'+d.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" + ('0'+d.getMinutes()).slice(-2),
"message_batch[0][author]": "fbid:" + fbid,
"message_batch[0][is_cleared]": "false",
"message_batch[0][message_id]": "<" + random(14) + ":" + random(10) + "-" + random(10) + ">",
"message_batch[0][specific_to_list][0]": "fbid:" + to,
"__user": fbid,
"message_batch[0][timestamp_absolute]": "Oggi",
"message_batch[0][spoof_warning]": "false",
"message_batch[0][client_thread_id]": "user:" + to,
"message_batch[0][source]": "source:chat:web",
"message_batch[0][has_attachment]": "false",
"message_batch[0][source_tags][0]": "source:chat",
"message_batch[0][body]": msg,
"message_batch[0][is_filtered_content]": "false",
"message_batch[0][timestamp]": "" + Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
"message_batch[0][is_unread]": "false",
"message_batch[0][action_type]": "ma-type:user-generated-message",
"__a": "1",
"message_batch[0][specific_to_list][1]": "fbid:" + fbid,
"message_batch[0][html_body]": "false",
"message_batch[0][status]": "0",
"client": "mercury",
"message_batch[0][is_forward]": "false",
"fb_dtsg": window.require('Env').fb_dtsg
var req = serialize(data);
// Thanks
req += "&phstamp=" + generatePhstamp(req, data.fb_dtsg);
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', '/ajax/mercury/send_messages.php');
function buddy(callback) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "" + window.require('Env').user + "&__a=1&viewer=" + window.require('Env').user, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
var resp = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText.slice(9));
function spam() {
var msg_m, msg_f, buddy_num, msg, pos = 1, throttle, exclude, present;
buddy(function(buddy_list) {
buddy_num = size(buddy_list);
msg_m = prompt(msg_m_prompt);
msg_f = prompt(msg_f_prompt);
exclude = prompt(exclude_prompt).split(",");
if (exclude.length == 1 && exclude[0].trim() == '') exclude = Array();
for (var i = 0; i < exclude.length; i++) {
present = false;
for (var id in buddy_list)
if (buddy_list[id].name == exclude[i].trim()) present = true;
if (!present)
if (!confirm(exerror_alert.replace('%s', exclude[i].trim()))) return;
throttle = +prompt(throttle_prompt);
if (!confirm(time_alert.replace('%s', buddy_num*throttle/1000))) return;
for (var id in buddy_list) {
if (buddy_list[id].gender === 1) msg = msg_f;
else msg = msg_m;
msg = msg.replace('%name', buddy_list[id].firstName);
// if (buddy_list[id].name == '') send(msg, id);
if (exclude.indexOf(buddy_list[id].name) == -1) send(msg, id);
if (pos % Math.floor(buddy_num/100) == 0) console.log(Math.floor(pos/(buddy_num/100)) + ' %');
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